What is high school “Scholastic Bowl”?

Two teams compete against each other by verbally answering questions within a specific time limit. Questions are on subjects typically taught in Illinois high schools. Subject material for the questions will be approximately 20% mathematics, 20% science, 20% social studies, 20% language arts and literature, 10% fine arts, and 10% miscellaneous. A competition match consists of 16 “toss-up” questions and 16 three-part “teamwork” questions.

What time limits are involved?

The time limit for answering a toss-up question is 10 seconds, with the time starting as soon as the moderator completes reading the question. If the question involves computation (for example, math calculations or chemistry calculations) then the time limit is 30 seconds.

The time limit for answering the teamwork questions is 10 seconds for each part, with the time starting as soon as the moderator completes reading the question. Each teamwork question consists of 3 parts. Team conferring may commence during the reading of the question.

How is a team member recognized for answering questions?

A ten-position electronic “lock-out” system is used during the match. Each team member has an electronic push-button control. When the team member desires to answer the question, he/she depresses the button on the wand, creating an audible sound and energizing a lighted display so that the moderator is able to determine which team member desires to answer the question. When the button on one electronic control is depressed, all other button controls are electronically “locked-out” from being responsive. Once the question is answered, the lock-out system is reset, making it ready for all team members to once again use.

What is a “toss-up” question?

A toss-up question is a question that is verbally asked with both teams having the opportunity to answer the question. The team players may not communicate with one another during the reading of the question or prior to giving an answer. A team has only one opportunity to give the correct answer to a toss-up question. When a team player wants to answer the question, he/she activates the electronic lockout system and waits to be recognized by the Moderator before answering. If the first answer given by one team is incorrect, then the other team has an opportunity to give the correct answer. Points are awarded for correct answers. Six (6) toss-up questions are asked during the first section of the match, six (6) toss-up questions are asked during the third section of the match, and four (4) toss-up questions are asked during the fifth (final) section of the match.

How are points awarded?

The team giving the correct answer to a toss-up question is awarded 10 points.

The team giving the correct answers to teamwork questions is awarded points based upon the number of parts correctly answered. If all parts of the teamwork question are answered correctly, the team answering all parts correctly receives 30 points. Teams are awarded 10 points for each part of the teamwork question correctly answered.

The team with the highest number of points at the end of the match (16 toss-up questions and 16 teamwork questions) is declared the winner.

What is a “teamwork” question?

All teamwork questions consist of three (3) parts. Team players may confer among themselves after each part of the teamwork question is read. Part 1 is read and answered before Part 2 is read. Part 2 is read and answered before Part 3 is read. Points are awarded to the team based upon the number of parts correctly answered. Teamwork questions are rebounding which means the other team is given an opportunity to answer those parts of the teamwork question that are incorrectly answered or not attempted by the team originally awarded the teamwork questions. The team in control of the first teamwork question in the second section of the match will be the team that correctly answered the most number of toss-up questions in the first section of the match. The team in control of the first teamwork question in the fourth section of the match will be the team that correctly answered the most number of toss-up questions in the third section of the match. After the first teamwork question in those respective sections, the first opportunity for each teamwork question (each with 3 parts) alternate between the two teams for the remainder of the section. Eight (8) teamwork questions are asked during the second section of the match, and eight (8) teamwork questions are asked during the fourth section of the match.